Feb 1, 2024
In this episode, Enneagram guru Seth Abram returns to the show for an in depth conversation about Shadow Work. The shadow refers to the unconscious aspects of ourselves that we hide or deny. “Really the concept of the shadow is all about what elements in our psyche are unknown to us, what’s outside of our regular awareness [...] it’s not just what’s outside of our awareness, but it’s also what discomforts the sense of self we wish to have,” explains Seth. “Within me, it’s what is true of me that when it’s brought to my awareness, I find it super problematic. It’s threatening to me, it’s contradictory to what I profess my values are.”
Only by welcoming and integrating our shadow aspects, can we grow our definition of ourselves and become more authentic and whole.
We’ll explore:
What the shadow is
How self-examination through the Enneagram helps with shadow work
What each type denies to be true about themselves
discussion offers valuable insights for anyone interested in shadow
work and self-discovery. To hear the rest of our conversation
with Seth where we explore practices and tools to help you with
your shadow work, become a Typology Institute Member to
gain access to our exclusive membership podcast and watch January’s
town hall with Seth where members were able to ask Seth their
questions live.